A man whose blood was found at the scene of a burglary at a tanning and hair salon in Felixstowe has claimed the break-in was committed by someone wearing gloves with his blood on them.

Thomas Moore, who has three previous convictions for burglary, told a jury at Ipswich Crown Court that on the night of the burglary he had gone to Felixstowe in a car with three other people to buy drugs.

After buying heroin he had sat in the car in a side street and injected himself with the drug.

The wound started bleeding and he had used a pair of woollen gloves to mop up the blood and then left them on the dashboard.

Shortly afterwards the three men with him left saying the were going to see a woman and would be back in 15 minutes.

Moore claimed that one of the men had taken his blood-stained gloves with them.

He said that when the trio returned they had driven back to Ipswich and dropped him off in Bishops Hill.

He denied being involved in the burglary or knowing anything about it.

Moore, 25, of Fore Street, Ipswich has denied burglary at Morgan’s Hair and Tanning Salon in Hamilton Road, Felixstowe in April this year.

Hugh Vass, prosecuting, told the court that during the burglary a rear UPVC door at the premises was forced open as well as two internal doors.

A mobile phone was stolen from a room in the premises rented by a beautician.

Mr Vass said a DNA profile obtained from a blood stain on the outer frame of the rear door matched that of Moore and DNA from at least one other person was also found.

The court heard that Moore had previous convictions for burglary in 2009, and two in 2012.

The jury is expected to retire to consider its verdict today.