Bus users in Essex are being urged to share their views on proposed changes to travel fares.

A public consultation was launched by Essex County Council last month on plans to increase fares on 75 non-commercial routes by 5% over each of the next three years, the equivalent of 10p per ticket. Fares on the relevant services have remained unchanged for six years.

The consultation closes on Friday, June 17.

Eddie Johnson, Essex County Council cabinet member for highways and transport delivery, said: “We have a responsibility to the taxpayer to bring bus fares closer in line with commercial operators, having opted against price increases for the past six years.

“Essex County Council needs to save £1million a week every week for the next four years. This means reviewing how we provide services and how we can increase income to support important services within our communities.

“I would urge bus users to share their views with us to help inform our decisions on future fares.”

To find out which services are affected and to take part in the consultation, visit www.essex.gov.uk/busfares or call 0345 743 0430.