A cat has been reunited with his owner after he caught his leg in an illegal rusty animal trap.

East Anglian Daily Times: Cat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCACat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCA (Image: Archant)

Pepe was found yesterday by a resident in London Road, Kelvedon, hiding under a car with a metal gin trap latched onto his foot, and crying in pain.

The two-year-old black-and-white cat was taken into care by RSPCA animal collection officer Lucy Fackerell, and rushed to an out-of-hours vet to have the trap removed and to be given pain relief.

ACO Fackerell said: “On closer inspection it became clear the cat was caught in an old, rusty gin trap.

“The trap had snapped shut on the cat’s front right foot.

East Anglian Daily Times: Cat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCACat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCA (Image: Archant)

“While whoever set this trap probably didn’t expect to capture a cat, they still broke the law – it is illegal to set a gin trap whether or not it catches anything.

“Gin traps have to be purposefully set in order to snare an animal so this can’t have been an accident.

“It’s unlikely this trap has been set in a residential area so it looks as though this poor little puss has been caught in it before dragging it to London Road and hiding under the car.”

Fortunately Pepe was microchipped, meaning his owner could collect him and take him to a local vet for more treatment.

East Anglian Daily Times: Cat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCACat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon. Photo: RSPCA (Image: Archant)

ACO Fackerell added: “I’m so pleased this awful incident had a happy ending and that Pepe was reunited with his owner.

“Unfortunately, with such deadly traps, this could have been an awful outcome.”

Now the RSPCA is appealing for information about the trap, or who might have set it.

You can call the RSPCA appeal line on 0300 123 8018.

East Anglian Daily Times: Cat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon, reunited with his owner. Photo: RSPCACat who caught leg in gin trap in Kelvedon, reunited with his owner. Photo: RSPCA (Image: Archant)