The nativity scene has been pictured in numerous different ways over the centuries but rarely in Lego.

East Anglian Daily Times: St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.

But that is exactly what happened at St Edmundsbury Cathedral this month as a competition was launched to build the best depiction of the nativity.

The cathedral’s dean Frances Ward and St Edmundsbury mayor Julia Wakelam judged the entries today, crowning Bury St Edmunds child Holly Fisher the winner of the under fives category.

East Anglian Daily Times: St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.

James Flatman, eight, from Witnesham, won the under 12 competition and Dave Friswell from Norfolk the over 12 category.

Marie Taylor, events and marketing manager at the cathedral, said: “We have been so pleased with the response to our Lego Nativity competition, there have been lots of entries from people all over the region and online.

East Anglian Daily Times: St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.

“It’s given us a chance to reach out to new audiences in a fun but meaningful way. It’s been really interesting seeing how people have interpreted the nativity in Lego, some symbolic and traditional, others very contemporary full of imagination and humour.”

The cathedral is currently working on a project to create a scale model of the building in Lego, using 200,000 bricks. Other winners included Montage Communications, from Bury, which won the business category.

East Anglian Daily Times: St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.St Edmundsbury Cathedral Lego competition judging process. Pictured is Bury St Edmunds mayor Julia Wakelam.