Veteran and serving army engineers came together to remember the 35th anniversary of the Falklands War.

East Anglian Daily Times: Veterans looking at diving kit used by 23 Para Engr Regt. Picture: BRITISH ARMYVeterans looking at diving kit used by 23 Para Engr Regt. Picture: BRITISH ARMY (Image: Archant)

In 1982, 9 Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers – then based in Aldershot and now part of Woodbridge-based 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment – played a key role in the British task force sent to repel the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands.

A group of 20 veterans visited the current unit at Rock Barracks, where they briefed serving soldiers about their role in the conflict – from clearing minefields to repairing bridges – and were shown the kit and equipment used by their modern counterparts.

They then observed a service to commemorate the squadron’s involvement and honour the unit’s four soldiers killed in action.

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Carvel, Commanding Officer of 23 Para Engr Regt, said: “The unit’s role today is the same as in 1982, and today’s soldiers need the same physical and mental preparedness that was the foundation of success in the Falklands. Equally, it is hugely important for veterans to meet the current generation and see that the standards they set are being maintained.”

East Anglian Daily Times: Commemorative service, led by 23 Para Engr Regts padre Captain Andrew Thompson. Picture: BRITISH ARMYCommemorative service, led by 23 Para Engr Regts padre Captain Andrew Thompson. Picture: BRITISH ARMY (Image: Archant)

Colonel (retired) Chris Davies, who commanded 9 Para Sqn RE in the Falklands, said: “As Falklands veterans, we are as far away in years now from the current soldiers as the Second World War veterans were to us in 1982.

“The boys I’ve met are just like my boys in 1982 – young, fit and keen to have the opportunity to prove themselves capable of doing what their forbearers did.”

At 18, Billy Craig was one of the squadron’s youngest soldiers in 1982. He left the army as a major in 2013, having gone on to serve in Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.

He said: “I was straight out of training and was paired up with a more experienced soldiers, who taught me everything.

East Anglian Daily Times: Commemorative service, led by 23 Para Engr Regts padre Captain Andrew Thompson. Picture: BRITISH ARMYCommemorative service, led by 23 Para Engr Regts padre Captain Andrew Thompson. Picture: BRITISH ARMY (Image: Archant)

“The Falklands was tough – we were covering huge distances on foot and carrying everything in appalling weather. We were eating rations for six weeks and the clothing wasn’t anything like as good as modern kit, so everyone was tired and cold throughout.

“The lesson I learnt from the Falklands, that I applied throughout my 34-year army career, was the truth of the ‘train hard to fight easy’ cliche.

“There is no substitute for training, because you don’t want to be learning what to do when you’re on the frontline.”

East Anglian Daily Times: Colonel (retired) Chris Davies, who commanded 9 Para Sqn RE in the Falklands, looking at diving kit. Picture: BRITISH ARMYColonel (retired) Chris Davies, who commanded 9 Para Sqn RE in the Falklands, looking at diving kit. Picture: BRITISH ARMY (Image: Archant)

East Anglian Daily Times: The Union flag flying again at Government House in Port Stanley after the surrender of the Argentine forces in the Falklands war in June 1982. Picture: PA WIREThe Union flag flying again at Government House in Port Stanley after the surrender of the Argentine forces in the Falklands war in June 1982. Picture: PA WIRE

East Anglian Daily Times: Survivors from HMS Sir Galahad (ablaze in the background) are hauled ashore by colleagues at Bluff Cove, East Falkland, after the ship was hit by an Argentinian air attack on June 29, 1982, during the Falklands conflictSurvivors from HMS Sir Galahad (ablaze in the background) are hauled ashore by colleagues at Bluff Cove, East Falkland, after the ship was hit by an Argentinian air attack on June 29, 1982, during the Falklands conflict (Image: Contributed)