A 13-year-old from Ipswich is aiming for swimming stardom after ranking in the top 10 nationally for the 200m butterfly, and racing against an Olympic champion.

Jude Gunner is currently ninth in Britain for his age group in the 200m butterfly swim, and as such has been selected for the Swim England National Talent Pathway team, and will go on camps as part of the development programme.

He has also recently, had the chance to race against one of the most decorated British swimmers of all time, Olympic swimmer and multiple gold medalist, James Guy, in the 50m butterfly at the London Aquatic Centre.

Jude, a student at Saint Felix school, received a swimming scholarship at the Southwold school in 2019, and, as part of school, trains 15 hours a week in swimming, starting as early as 5.30am on weekdays.

Eliza, Jude's mum, said: "Jude started swimming when he was a baby really.

"He was always putting himself under water, even without ever being taught which for a parent is terrifying, so I took him for swimming lessons at Crown Pools in Ipswich.

"He was really good and they put him forward to go into Team Ipswich when he was around seven."

Jude is hoping to emulate the success of his idol, Michael Phelps, and not only become a professional swimmer, but also a serial medal winner.

Eliza said: "I think he has the determination, dedication and the right mindset to be a professional swimmer.

"I will try my best to support him as far as he needs me too, and as a parent, I am hugely proud of him.

"Jude has autism, and does very well with it, and because of the difficulties he has, and the extent of them, I imagine at some point, if he wanted to, he could probably achieve Para qualification, so it is quite amazing that he is ranked ninth in Britain for butterfly, without that."

Jude has been asked to go to Spain, which puts a huge amount of pressure on Eliza, due to travel and accommodation costs being a single parent.

They are looking for sponsorships, to help Jude achieve his dream of becoming a professional swimmer, and make sure he can compete in tournaments around the world.

Jude has just been selected to represent Suffolk at the inter-county meet in Sheffield in October, and is aiming to compete at the British Championships.

To donate to help Jude get to all these competitions and achieve his dream, click here.