Students at a Suffolk school are determined to raise hundreds of pounds after thieves broke in and stole money which pupils had raised for charity.

Bawdsey Primary School, in School Road, was burgled during Wednesday night, with a safe containing £200 stolen.

However, the school's 60 students have set themselves the task of replacing the cash - which the headteacher said was mostly made up of pocket money.

The safe has now been replaced with a box made at home by one of the students, who are determined to not let the burglary spoil their Christmas.

Katie Butler, the school's headteacher, said: "The children had put a lot of effort into raising the money. Part of the school's ethos is to help those who are less fortunate. "It is sad that someone has taken this money away."

Mrs Butler said the money had been raised through cake sales, including a Macmillan coffee morning, as well as student-led tours.

The cash was to be donated to causes such as Macmillan, the Poppy Appeal and the school's Christmas lunch.

Despite the setback, Mrs Butler said she and her team had been inspired by the students' reaction to the setback.

Mrs Butler added: "For the children to turn up again with their pocket money is inspiring.

"It is a sad state of affairs that someone has taken all this money.

"But the children have found a way of being good samaritans."