An Ipswich personal trainer shares his advice of how to start running as hundreds of people get inspired following this year’s London Marathon.

East Anglian Daily Times: Sam Cleaver. Picture: Rachel EdgeSam Cleaver. Picture: Rachel Edge (Image: Archant)

The London Marathon is one of the biggest events of the year – and many people, novices and elites alike, tuned in to watch and support those who completed the gruelling 26.2mile stretch across the capital at the weekend.

Thousands of people will this week be signing up to running clubs or heading out by themselves for the first time – and just like in the New Year, the numbers of those taking a trip to A&E is likely to increase.

So how can you avoid injury and run correctly?

Sam Cleaver, a personal trainer and director of Stoic Performance, shares his advice of how to ease yourself into running and how to prepare for the perfect race.

Here are his top tips...

? Work with what you’ve got - Sam said: “Everyone runs differently, but it’s important to work with what you have and slightly improve it gradually.

“For many people it’s the case of lifting the knees up and propelling them forward.”

? Take it slow - Sam said: “Take it slow to start with, don’t try and increase mileage too quick and don’t try and run too fast.”

? Stay safe - “Running is awesome for people’s health, but it’s important to stay safe,” added Sam.

“If we look at New Year’s resolutions a number of people got injured and took a trip to A&E.

“Now we know there is a big surge of people getting into health and fitness again following the London Marathon, but we need to help them be safe.”

Sam advises that novice runners should: “Lift your knees, don’t stomp underneath yourself, and whip the floor away as then you are going to get less impact through the hips, knees and ankles and will stay safer for longer.”