EXCLUSIVEBy Danielle NuttallA FATHER told last night how he had cried continuously for five days after an horrific road crash that left his parents and two children seriously injured.


By Danielle Nuttall

A FATHER told last night how he had cried continuously for five days after an horrific road crash that left his parents and two children seriously injured.

Shaun Seymour, 35, thought he would lose his six-year-old son Kieran as well as his parents, Brian and Christine, after they were involved in a collision with a motorbike in London Road, Ipswich, last month.

The 35-year-old's youngest son, two-year-old Ethan, was also involved in the crash, suffering a broken leg and cut head, and was released from hospital soon after the accident.

But Kieran was left fighting for his life in Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, after suffering two broken legs and a serious head injury, while Brian, 66, and his wife, 58, were in a critical condition in Ipswich Hospital.

Kieran has since made a miracle recovery and returned to the family home in Ipswich last week – with both legs in plaster.

His grandfather has now been moved onto a ward and is talking, but has had part of his right leg amputated, while Christine continues to fight for her life in intensive care.

Speaking of the family's trauma last night, Mr Seymour said: "I've never cried so much in my life. I never stopped crying for five days.

"I'm a builder, I'm 6ft and strong – a bit of a Jack the lad if you like – but when something happens like this is takes all of the wind out of you.

"I thought I'd lose Kieran, and my mum and dad. I couldn't believe it. Mum and dad only had 30% of living. Kieran had a slim chance of surviving. People cannot believe how we've carried on as a family. You have to stay strong and get on with it."

Mr Seymour said both he and his wife, Samantha, were amazed that Kieran had become well enough to come home. "What the nurses at Ipswich Hospital and Addenbrooke's did was fantastic for him," he added.

"Both of Kieran's legs are badly broken, but he's bouncing back now considering the head injury. If you could see him now, he's gone back to being Kieran again.

"He seems to think he broke his leg playing football so we've left it like that. No-one can believe how quickly he's bouncing back."

But while Kieran continues to get better, his grandmother is still in a serious condition. "My mum is in intensive care. She was breathing on her own, but they've put her back on a ventilator," said Mr Seymour.

"My mum doesn't know much at all. She is just a workaholic and has worked hard all her life. She's very special to me."

Mr Seymour said now Kieran was home, he was able to concentrate more on willing his parents to make a full recovery and shared the visiting time slots with his two brothers so someone was always there to sit by them.

He described the building firm that he worked for as "fantastic" for allowing him to take time off and still pay him.

It is not known how long it will take for Kieran to be fully fit. Mr Seymour said his son was in a wheelchair at the moment, which might cause some problems with school. He is also due to see a specialist to see if the head injury has had any lasting effects.

Mr Seymour said: "We're a strong family and you get through. Dad was crushed in the 1970s, he's had a quadruple heart bypass and two strokes and now this, but he has still survived."
