DEVELOPERS have lodged a bid to turn a derelict firework factory into 50 new homes.

Laurence Cawley

DEVELOPERS have lodged a bid to turn a derelict firework factory into 50 new homes.

Remnants of the blaze-damaged buildings of the former Brooks factory in Bury Road, Chedbrugh, still remain on the 4.3 hectare site.

But Havebury Housing Partnership and R Maskell Ltd have now lodged plans for 50 new properties, of which 18 will be affordable.

In its report to St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Vaughan English Associates, on behalf of the developers, said attention had been paid to the Suffolk Design Guide and efforts would be made to ensure the new homes fitted in with their surroundings.

The firm said this would include coloured rendering in cream, fuchsia and pastel colours as well as using gabled pantiled roofs.

In its report, the agents said: “The style chosen for this development stems largely from properties found along Chestnut Crescent bounding the site to the west along with elements of typical housing in the Bury St Edmunds area.

“The existing site has been left for a number of years and although is largely seen as scrubland there are pockets of established species of flora, which we have sought to incorporate within the design.”

A number of “green” initiatives are also being looked into such as harvesting rainwater and using boreholes in the ground for heating.

An asbestos report for the site was commissioned by the developers because it was once used to make fireworks and plans have been drawn up for the removal of the deadly substance.

In the report, LCH Contracts said the site included a “redundant, fire damaged warehouse, plus several out buildings also fire damaged, some verging on the state of collapse” and said a number of areas had been found where asbestos was present.

The full planning application has now been lodged with the borough council and, if the proposals go ahead, the developers have agreed to stump up cash towards the educational needs for children living in the area.