Young people and their families are being invited to relax by the lake in a series of free finishing sessions to see the benefits the sport can have on mental health.

Bank Life Fishing, a company that aims to get more people, especially children, into fishing, will hold one of its sessions at Suffolk Water Park in Bramford on July 23.

East Anglian Daily Times: Children and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life FishingChildren and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

The Cabridgeshire-based company raised funds to buy enough fishing equipment for around 15 to 20 families that can be used during free fishing day events.

Matt Macintosh, from Bank Life Fishing, said: “I believe that if you introduce a child into a hobby such as fishing, it helps keep them on the banks and off the streets.

East Anglian Daily Times: Free fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life FishingFree fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

“The whole idea of the events was to encourage more people, more friends, families and kids to experience the joys and the mental health benefits that fishing brings.

“The events are designed to get disadvantaged kids as well as people who are going through a tough time, struggling physically or mentally on the bank, away from all the day-to-day stresses and struggles that they are unfortunately going through.”

East Anglian Daily Times: Free fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life FishingFree fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

The organiser of the event said that many children described the time by the lake as “the best day of their life”.

“Fishing has done a lot for me as a kid. The NHS up North is now prescribing fishing for people with anxiety, depression and PTSD."

East Anglian Daily Times: Kids can work for bronze, silver and gold awards funded by the Angling TrustKids can work for bronze, silver and gold awards funded by the Angling Trust (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

The company that offers a range of clothes for whole families is able to organise free fishing events thanks to the Angling Trust which covers everybody’s licences for the day and provides certificates for children who can work for bronze, silver and gold awards.

East Anglian Daily Times: Kids can work for bronze, silver and gold awards funded by the Angling TrustKids can work for bronze, silver and gold awards funded by the Angling Trust (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

Matt said: “Many people don’t have the equipment, and can't afford to just go and buy it if they aren’t into fishing yet.

“We encourage anybody who wants to try fishing for the first time or take their kids fishing but don't really know where and how to start. You can just come along.

“We've never had anybody that hasn't had a good time. We often have to literally drag the kids off the bank at the end of the day.”

East Anglian Daily Times: Children and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life FishingChildren and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

The events usually start at 9am and finish at 3pm, with a break for lunch, but the participants are free to leave at any point.

East Anglian Daily Times: Children and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life FishingChildren and parents can enjoy spending time together during the free fishing event organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)East Anglian Daily Times: Free fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life FishingFree fishing events for kids and adults organised by Bank Life Fishing (Image: Bank Life Fishing)

Further events are planned at Suffolk Water Park on September 24 and 25.