East Anglian Daily Times - Memorials

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Death Notice

Susan Mary ‘Sue’ Jackson

Published on 30/11/2024

(formally of Boston, Lincs) died peacefully at St Nicholas Hospice, Bury St Edmunds on the 21st November, 2024, aged 75 years. The Funeral Service takes place at the West Suffolk Crematorium - Abbey Chapel on Friday 13 December at 12.30 p.m. and afterwards for refreshments at The 3 Kings, Fornham All Saints. No flowers please but donations to St Nicholas Hospice may be gift aided online at www.funeralhelp.co.uk or sent c/o Armstrongs Funeral Service, 24 St Andrews Street North, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1TH, Tel : 01284 723889.


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