A new £19m pot has been unveiled for projects which will boost skills and productivity across Norfolk and Suffolk.

East Anglian Daily Times: The International Aviation Academy Norwich. Picture: New Anglia LEP.The International Aviation Academy Norwich. Picture: New Anglia LEP. (Image: Archant)

The cash was approved at a board meeting of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, and will be targeted at projects which can deliver the aims of the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy.

These long-term targets include turning the two counties' £35bn economy by 50% by 2036, creating 88,000 new jobs and 30,000 new businesses, while measurably improving skills and productivity levels in the region.

LEP chairman Doug Field said: 'This new call presents projects across Suffolk and Norfolk with a unique opportunity to make a real difference to the success of the East. Through its Growth Deal with government, New Anglia LEP has been entrusted to make investments providing the infrastructure, skills and innovation that will supercharge our economy.

'The targets set out in the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy are ambitious, and it is only through collaboration with partners in business, the public and education sectors that we can achieve them.'

East Anglian Daily Times: The College of West Anglia University Centre. Picture: www.paultibbsphotography.comThe College of West Anglia University Centre. Picture: www.paultibbsphotography.com (Image: www.paultibbsphotography.com)

The cash comes from the £290m Growth Deal with central government which since 2014 has helped to fund more than 30 projects.

The range from flood defences to business support programmes and include:

• International Aviation Academy Norwich, which received £3.3m to create the world's first 'real-world' learning environment for aviation workers. The academy includes a full-size aircraft and can train up to 500 students in engineering, cabin crew and airport operations.

• The College of West Anglia University Centre received £6.5m to boost skills provision in an area identified as being of high deprivation and unemployment.

• Ipswich Waterfront Innovation Centre was awarded £1.85m and opened in October 2016. It created an innovation centre for the business community, helping to develop ideas with support from the University's of Suffolk's research.

The investment of the Growth Deal money is expected to attract £628m of extra investment to the two counties over the next 10 years.

Applications for the cash must be received by January 11, 2019, with the successful projects announced in April 2019.

To apply and find out more information, email jonathan.rudd@newanglia.co.uk to request an application form or see newanglia.co.uk/growth-deal