A grandparent who did not want to wake her sleeping grandson when parking at a supermarket has been left "terrified" after being hit with a £160 fine.

Sandra Bryan, 73, visited the Combs Ford East of England Co-op, near Stowmarket, with her husband Colin, 83, with their grandson in August 2022. 

As their young grandson was asleep, Mrs Bryan made a quick trip into the store and left her grandson with his grandad in the parent and child space they parked in. 

Mrs Bryan parked in a parent and child space near to the front of the storeMrs Bryan parked in a parent and child space near to the front of the store (Image: Charlotte Bond)

She spent three minutes and two seconds in the shop, but has since been handed a fine for parking in the parent and child space. 

The family has been engaged in a battle with the company which owns the car park, National Parking Enforcement, since they parked there.

"My son-in-law has been in contact with them explaining there was a child in the car and that within a few minutes of going there he fell asleep.

"As a devoted nanny, I left him sleeping as you do. I would never wake him up deliberately."

Shortly after receiving the fine, Mr Bryan, who has suffered three heart attacks, was hospitalised. 

The couple have been threatened with being taken to court due to the parking ticket. 

"This has been so stressful. It was just three minutes and two seconds. 

"If we go out and park anywhere, I'm terrified. If we are over a line or anything, we have got to park right in the middle. That's what they've said to us.

"It's just a lack of humanity. 

"I am even frightened of going down there now. It's what it has done to us now."

National Parking Enforcement Limited has been approached for comment.