A driver was allegedly caught behind the wheel while over the alcohol limit in a town.

On Sunday, July 20, a police response team were called to Haverhill, in west Suffolk, to reports of a driver drinking alcohol whilst driving a car.

Officers pulled the driver over and asked them to participate in a breathalyser test.

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A test sample of 56 micrograms of alcohol was allegedly provided by the driver at the roadside. The legal limit for driving in the UK is 35.

A spokesman for the police said a charging decision is still to be made for this driver but sentences for such crimes can include an unlimited fine, a six month custody term or a licence ban.

READ MORE: Suffolk and Essex Crime News

Chief Inspector Vicky McParland, head of the Joint Norfolk & Suffolk Roads & Armed Police Team, said: “We would encourage those who believe drink/drug driving to be taking place, to report it immediately, by calling 999.

"Your actions can have devastating consequences, not only for you but also those travelling around you. Do not be selfish and do not put yourself at risk."