An accomplished athlete is set to join Oklahoma State University after an impressive start to his career.

Henry Dover, a former pupil at Woodbridge School, has displayed remarkable endurance and athleticism over five years, securing national records and winning numerous cross-country events.

Running coach Mark Goddard said: “It has been a huge honour to work with Henry and to watch his hunger for success be rewarded with International opportunities at such a young age.

"With the support of those around him, I have no doubt that we will be hearing about his achievements for many years to come.

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“From me, it is a thank you to Henry for the memories, I wish him the very best of luck even though I know it is his consistency of hard training rather than luck that will continue to deliver results for him as he leaves School and begins the next chapter of his athletic career.”

Head of school Shona Norman said: “It has been an absolute pleasure to watch Henry’s athletic development in School and at various events he represents himself and his country.

"We are immensely proud of all he has achieved, on the track and in School, and excited for the future for him.”

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Henry has a track record of successes in Great Britain, from winning the London Mini Marathon in 2022, to finishing 6th fastest U20 in Europe at the European Championships in Brussels while he was still a student, and securing his position among the top 20 U20s in the world for the 3,000m event.

On August 2024, Henry will be leaving the UK to study Applied Science: Sport and Coaching at Oklahoma State University, a university known for its outstanding endurance running team, on an athletic scholarship.