A list of 567 sites which could be considered for residential development has been drawn up and released by Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils.

The Call for Sites saw developers invited to submit sites they would be interesting in building on.

A 392-hectare site east and west of Henley Road in Akenham is the largest site with interest, followed by a 240 hectare site south of the A12 in Capel St Mary.

These sites do not yet have status and these do not represent planning applications.

Instead, formal assessments and public consultations will take place to consider the suitability of the sites for building homes.

Other large sites with interest include more than 100 hectares of land off the A1071 in Hintlesham, and land at Tye Farm, Great Cornard, Sudbury.

The open call ran from January 5 to February 2 as part of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan.

East Anglian Daily Times:

Writing in the East Anglian Daily Times today today, leader of Mid Suffolk Council Andy Mellen stressed that the Green Party was "encouraging communities to be involved in planning decisions by producing neighbourhood plans".

Councillor Mellen emphasised the need for the right homes in the right places.

East Anglian Daily Times:

And the new leader of Babergh Council, Deborah Shaw, wants to encourage more community-led housing as well as affordable homes.

Anyone keen to hear updates on the assessments can join the councils’ mailing list here.