A Suffolk MP has written to a local council to object to plans to convert a village pub into a home.

Dr Dan Poulter, MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, has written to East Suffolk Council's chief executive and head of planning concerning an application to change the use of the Queen pub at Brandeston.

In the letter, he sets out his concerns about the 'loss of such a valuable community asset' and pledges to do 'all that I can' to have the Queen reopened as the village pub.

READ MORE: Plans for Queen pub at Brandeston to be converted to home

Dr Poulter, who described himself as a 'regular customer' at the Queen, also met villagers who have set up a monthly pop-up pub called the Churchill Arms in the Queen's absence.

During his visit to the pop-up at Brandeston Village Hall on Friday, he reassured the volunteers and drinkers present of his support for their campaign to have the pub reopened.

He said: “Having been a regular customer of The Brandeston Queen myself, It is saddening to hear that local residents face the prospect of losing their much loved community pub.

READ MORE: Suffolk pop-up to return after Queen at Brandeston closed

"Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brandeston Queen became a true community hub providing a pop-up community shop and takeaway meals, a service which was highly valued by local residents.

“Since the Queen has been closed, local residents have missed the opportunity to meet up for social gatherings and I commend them on their efforts to create the 'Churchill Arms.'

"On Friday evening, I would say there were over 80 local residents in attendance, clear testament to the support and need for a local village pub.  

READ MORE: Council's 'concerned' Queen pub at Brandeston still closed

"I have written to East Suffolk Council setting out my concerns at the potential loss of such a valued community asset and I will continue to do all that I can to support local residents in their aspiration to have The Queen returned as a village pub.”

Darryl Morgan, who helped set up the Churchill Arms, said: "We’re very pleased that Dr Dan also showed his support last Friday, listening to villagers’ comments and objecting to the change of use of the Queen.  We all want our village pub back.”

The Queen has remained shut since November 2022, with the owners having not given an indication when it might reopen.

An East Suffolk Council spokesperson said: “As the planning authority, East Suffolk Council will always rigorously consider applications which may result in the loss of public houses in communities and recognises the concerns that have been raised by Dr Poulter and others.

"Once the period for public comment has concluded, the application will be carefully assessed against the relevant planning policies and all comments received from the public, including Dr Poulter’s, will be considered. The process to determine the application will then be confirmed.”

READ MORE: Suffolk news